
More than just
a resource

All of our programs exist so that families who come to us can achieve richer, more stable lives. The cornerstones of our program are one-on-one case management sessions, individualized housing plans, and referrals to long-term and off-site resources—but we offer so much more. 

FOR: families, adults, Children

Permanent Housing Assistance

Our case managers work intensively with families to get them permanently re-housed as quickly as possible after entering our program; generally in less than 30 days. We provide emergency start-up funds, moving services, donated furniture and household goods, and case management assistance for families we’ve helped place in new homes.

FOR: families, adults, Children

24-Hour Emergency Shelter

Gateway180 is the only 24 hour shelter in St. Louis—and the only one that keeps families together. Families in need of immediate housing have access to case management, counseling, comfortable beds in private or semi-private rooms, three hot meals per day, and laundry and mail service.

FOR: families, adults, Children

Operation Brown Bag

Gateway180 often has free brown bag lunches on hand to distribute to low-income members of the community. Every week, G180 accepts pre-made meals prepared in a certified kitchen from generous volunteers, and they are then distributed to hungry people coming to our front door.

FOR: adults

Life Skills

We provide classes that focus on important skills for living an independent life, including parenting, landlord and tenant rights, financial literacy, housekeeping, home maintenance, and healthcare and nutrition.

FOR: adults

Therapeutic Counseling for Adults

Every person that passes through Gateway180’s doors has the opportunity to be referred and connected with a counselor for assessments and personal counseling.

FOR: Children

Therapeutic Children's Counseling and Children's Psycho-Social Programs

We work with children to overcome anxiety and frustration as a result of living without permanent housing. Our focus is to attend to the individual needs of each and every child, as well as to teach them to work in a group with others.


There are many ways to make a difference as a volunteer for Gateway180.


FOR: Children

Summer Camp

Our 9-week summer camp for kids is completely free to families entering our programs. While parents take the necessary steps to secure permanent housing through our assistance, our team of child specialists and licensed clinical social worker interact with the kids day-to-day. The children enjoy a themed curriculum, guest speakers and field trips each week.


The Inspiration Store

As our clients volunteer or meet milestones in their journey, they earn G180 “shares,” giving them buying power. They can spend their shares in the Inspiration Store, which carries items like beauty products and other non-necessities.


Community Overflow

Gateway180 reserves space in our shelter for community overflow, especially in winter. Often, law enforcement will bring families to us in need of a warm bed for a night.